Site Information

Lucky Hills
State AZ
Country US
Latitude 31.743
Longitude -110.053
Elevation 1,367.00 Meters
Local Time (America/Phoenix) 19:53 09/07/2024
Last Observation (UTC) 09:19 09/08/2024
Geo Coordinates KML
All Date And Timestamps Are With Respect To UTC
Last Update Legend
Last Hour
Last 12 Hours
Last 48 Hours
Over 48 Hours
Sensor Type Legend
Local Coordinator & Weather Station
Moisture Sensor

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Soil Moisture Data

End-Device #01

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End-Device #02

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End-Device #03

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End-Device #04

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End-Device #05

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End-Device #06

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End-Device #07

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Weather Information

Air Temperature

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Solar Radiation

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Vapor & Atmospheric Pressure

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